Countdown to VBS!:

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

Location Information

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church
  • 580 Indian Trace, Weston, FL, 33326 US

Anyone 21 years old (at the time of VBS) and older can fill out the Adult Volunteer Form. 

If you are younger than 21, please fill out the Youth Volunteer Application.

Adults have the opportunity to serve as Crew Directors, Station Leaders, or Station Assistants Roles:

- Crew Directors manage 4 Crew Leaders and their Crews

- Station Leaders include KidVid Cinema Leader, Imagination Station Leader, Bible Story Leaders, Preschool Station Leaders, and more.

- Station Assistant Roles support these teachers and leaders in these locations.

-Phones are not allowed at TRUE NORTH VBS for anyone under 21 years old. All participants and volunteers are encouraged to leave all phones and smart devices at home. Any phones brought on campus must be left in the office in the phone caddie until after VBS at noon. Phones have become distracting for our goals at VBS, so we thank you for your help and understanding.

As an adult leader, you can have your phone on your person, but we ask that you do not let it become a distraction from your role at VBS.

Emergency Contact

Please fill out the emergency contact information. This person will be contacted during VBS if there is a problem, issue, or emergency. 

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